George Yates - April 21, 2022
The Art of Questioning for Leading a Church
From Series: "2022 National Conference-Nashville, TN"
Rhythm: Lifesongs for New Seasons of Ministry - Nashville's First Baptist Church, Nashville, TN
by John McClendon | Jun 6, 2023
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CloseIn the church and all of life, we are asking the wrong questions. To get to the right answers, should we not change the way we ask questions? Examine the purpose, nature, and proper development of questions, and learn how to use the funnel approach to narrow responses to the one best answer. -- Led by George Yates, SonC.A.R.E. Ministries
Related Topics: Leading the Church | More Messages from George Yates
Rhythm: Lifesongs for New Seasons of Ministry - Nashville's First Baptist Church, Nashville, TN
Bert Ross