Regional Summits are mini-conferences that help churches evaluate their disciple making culture.
Regional Summit Details.
The Southeast Regional Summit is for any Disciple Leaders (pastors, staff, volunteers.) This event is put on in partnership Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions, Samford University, and the Disciple Leaders Network.
At the Regional Summit Disciple leaders will be able to share ideas and build ongoing relationships with like-minded leaders. you will learn how to:
- Define disciplemaking for your church.
- Determine your disciplemaking context.
- Design disciplemaking connections.
- Develop a disciplemaking culture of service.
- Deliver disciplemaking outcomes that can be celebrated and measured.
LOCATION: First Baptist Church Birmingham
COST: $67 a person
Monday, April 7
- 6:30pm – Check-in/doors open
- 7-8:30pm – Dinner – A special time to build relationships and hear from proven practitioners
Tuesday, April 8
- 8-9 am – Coffee and time to connect
- 9 am – Main Session: “Tools Needed to Evaluate the Church Disciplemaking Environment” – John McClendon
- 10:30 am – Break
- 10:45 am – Breakouts (Designing Disciplemaking Connection & Defining Disciplemaking For Your Church)
- 12 pm – Lunch (Discipleship Dashboard Q&A Hosted by John McClendon)
- 1:30 pm – Breakouts (Developing a Disciplemaking Culture of Service & Determining Your Disciplemaking Context)
- 2:30 pm – Break
- 2:45 pm – Breakouts (Delivering Disciplemaking Outcomes That can be Celebrated and Measured)
- 3:45 pm – Break
- 4:00-5:30 pm – Main Session: The Disciplemaking Long-Game – John McClendon & Panel
What is a Regional Summit?
Regional Conferences are local opportunities to engage with the Disciples Leaders Network and its resources closer to home. The DLN Regional Conference offers three types of conference options:
1. Five Question Workshop: This conference is designed for leaders (and their teams) that are either new to disciple leadership or they need a fresh perspective on walking through the discipleship process in their context. In this one-day workshop, you will enjoy meaningful networking and engagement with proven disciple leaders as you explore the main five questions of The Discipleship Dashboard. We encourage staff teams to attend together if at all possible.
2. Discipleship Roundtable: Everyone is looking for that one idea that may be the one thing they need to take their ministry to the next level. In his one-day gathering is designed for any leader in discipleship leadership, we will explore selected topics and engage in discussion to exchange best practices and ideas to apply within a discipleship contexts. Engage with some of the best practitioners in your region and nation, as we engage in a collaborative learning environment.
3. Customizable Leadership Development: Are you desiring to provide discipleship training to your leaders, but not really sure how to start? Maybe you are a state or associational leader and you see an area that needs growth in your leaders. Or are you a pastor looking for a way to provide various topics for other disciple leaders like you around your area? This option may work best for you as we will work with you to provide a one-day option to share specific topics that will best equip discipleship leaders.
If you are interested in DLN hosting or facilitating any of these regional conferences, please reach out to [email protected] for more information or for scheduling.
National Conference
Regional Summits
Lunch & Learns
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