Rustin Umstattd - April 16, 2020

Assessing Our Church’s Educational Offerings: How Do We Know They Know What We Want Them to Know?

Churches teach their members in numerous ways ranging from sermons to field experience, but how do we know that they are learning what we are teaching? This breakout session will address both the need for assessment of our teaching programs as well as sharing creative ideas of how this assessment can take place in a church setting. Facilitator: Dr. Rustin Umstattd, Associate Professor of Theology and Ministry, Director of the DEdMin Program, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City, MO

From Series: "2020 National Conference-Online"

True North: Navigating the Culture Without Sinking the Church - Online Conference References in this series could be made to the BACE (Baptist Association of Christian Educators). This was the organization that birthed what is now known as DLN (Disciple Leaders Network).

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